Tracking My Journey

Week #1

I am beginning my official weight loss journey weighing in at 273 pounds.  I have found that I do not have very many recent pictures of myself, so here is a photo of my wife and I that was taken in August of 2011.  I was still weighing 273 pounds at the time of this photo:

In order to know how to begin my weight loss journey, I visited The Healthy Weight Forum where they have a free online Weight Watchers calculator.  I entered in all of my information:

Gender: Male, Weight: 273 pounds, Height: 6 ft 4 in, Age: 32, Activity Level: Moderately, I Want to Lose: 53lbs 



Points per  day
01-1271.04 - 271.0444
12-6271.04 - 261.2243
27-11261.22 - 251.4142
312-16251.41 - 241.5941
417-21241.59 - 231.7840
522-27231.78 - 22039

Looking at the point difference from where I start to where I end, five points does not seem like a lot so I am going to be starting by eating 39 points a day.  I also learned that I get 35 bonus points per week (which does not accumulate.  So, if I happen to go over with my points on any given day, I can use some of my bonus points until those are gone.

I also downloaded a free application on my phone called WWPP Calculator.  In order for me to know how many points an item of food contains, I need to be aware of the serving size.  I also need to be aware of calories, fat, and fiber.  I enter numerical values for calories, fat, and fiber into the application, and it will tell me how many points the item costs.  Because I am always attached to my phone, this will be a useful tool (more useful than using the books/manuals Weight Watchers members receive in which they can look up food information).

I will also be investing in a set of measuring cups, measuring spoons, and a food scale so that I can make sure that all of my food is portioned appropriately according to serving size.

I will be weighing in and giving updates every Monday, so come back next Monday to see how my first week went.

Week #2

Moments before my first weigh-in, I was extremely nervous.  Looking at myself in the mirror, I didn't look any different but mentally I felt different.  I was proud of what I was able to accomplish in just a week of time.  I followed my food plan for the week and I did not once go over the allotted 39 daily points.

There were some moments of struggle.  At some points during the week I was feeling hungry but I was out of points for food to satisfy my hunger cravings.  This week was also difficult because I made some major adjustments to the food and drinks that I put into my body.  I eliminated all of the junk food (candies, cookies, etc) as well as sugary drinks like regular soda pop.  I also drastically reduced the amount of juice I drink after I quickly learned how many points it is for an 8oz glass of apple juice (2 points), orange juice (2 points), and lemonade (2 points).

It was all worth it though as I was able to lose four pounds; lowering my weight to 269 pounds. 

Week #3

Wow.  I'm starting to realize the terrible eating habits I used to have.  Prior to starting this weight loss program, I would skip meals, eat large meals, have seconds and thirds with some meals, and I would often have a big late night snack.  Having two children and being a full time graduate student means that I don't often get a full night's sleep as well.

I'm also still in shock over portion sizes/serving sizes.  Typically, when I used to eat a bowl of cereal in the morning I would fill up the bowl with cereal and I would put in enough milk so that there would be a perfect ratio of cereal to milk.  Imagine my surprise when I looked at the side of that cereal box and discovered that a serving size of cereal is only one cup with a 1/2 cup of milk.

Making adjustments to portion sizes/serving sizes, not skipping meals, and eating regularly has helped me to continue losing weight.

I am now down to 266 pounds.